Running AWS CDK from a Lambda function

Maciej Raszplewicz
4 min readNov 12, 2020


This is a step by step guide to running AWS CDK inside an AWS Lambda Function using Lambda layers.

We will create an example CDK code, which will create an S3 bucket (can be any AWS resource, this is just an example) and then create another CDK code to deploy a Lambda function which will run the first one. Do you remember the Russian toy called “matryoshka”?

Why do we need this? There are two main reasons:

  • For fun, to play with Lambda layers and AWS CDK.
  • It can be sometimes useful and we actually use it in DevOpsBox.

All the source code is available here:


You will need several tools:

  • AWS CDK (tested with 1.71.0)
  • Java JDK (tested with OpenJDK 11.0.9)
  • NodeJS (required by AWS CDK, tested with v12.18.3)
  • Docker (tested with 18.09.5)
  • Maven (tested with 3.6.3)
  • AWS CLI (only for testing, tested with 1.18.57)

AWS account with proper credentials is also required. The code will probably work with other versions too.

The solution

First of all, we will create two CDK projects, one inside another (matryoshka):

mkdir example-cdk-from-lambda
cd example-cdk-from-lambda
cdk init app --language=java
mkdir run-cdk-lambda
cd run-cdk-lambda
cdk init app --language=java

Yes, we are using Java here… You can achieve the same results in any other language supported by AWS CDK.

I will not change any package name just to allow you to easily do git diff HEAD~1 and to see all my changes, however, I have removed all the tests and test dependencies - they are not important here.

The smallest matryoshka

Here we just create an S3 bucket but it could be any CDK code.

We need the CDK S3 dependency run-cdk-lambda/pom.xml


Next, we have to write some CDK code run-cdk-lambda/src/main/java/com/myorg/

The medium matryoshka

If you want to run the AWS CDK, you will have to execute the cdk binary because this is how it works. That is why we need to create a Lambda handler, which will be just a wrapper and will run the cdk.

We have to add the aws-lambda-java-core dependency to our run-cdk-lambda/pom.xml:


Then, create the CdkWrapper class run-cdk-lambda/src/main/java/com/myorg/

We are doing this in Java using the ProcessBuilder class because our CDK code is also written in Java and we will use the Java 11 runtime in Lambda.

We also have to pack our Java code into an “uber” jar (jar with all the dependencies). We use maven-shade-plugin to do that run-cdk-lambda/pom.xml:


The largest matryoshka

The Java 11 Lambda runtime does not have NodeJS and AWS CDK binaries. We will use Lambda layers to put them inside. We will copy binaries from a docker image created from docker/cdk/Dockerfile:

FROM node:ltsRUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y zip && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN mkdir -p /nodejs && \
npm config set prefix /nodejs/bin && \
npm install -g aws-cdk@${AWS_CDK_VERSION}
RUN cd /nodejs/bin && \
zip -r --symlinks /opt/ *
RUN cd /usr/local && \
zip -r /opt/ bin/node

We need also the code to create the “uber” jar, the docker image with NodeJS and CDK binaries, and copy files from it (actually creating a temporary docker container). This will be a bash script scripts/prepare-bin:

set -e
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
PROJECT_DIR=$(realpath "${SCRIPT_DIR}/..")
mkdir -p ${TMP_BIN_DIR}mvn package -f "${PROJECT_DIR}/run-cdk-lambda/pom.xml"
cp ${PROJECT_DIR}/run-cdk-lambda/target/run-cdk-lambda-*.jar ${TMP_BIN_DIR}/run-cdk-lambda.jar
docker build -t ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} ${PROJECT_DIR}/docker/cdkrm -f ${TMP_BIN_DIR}/docker-cid
docker create --cidfile ${TMP_BIN_DIR}/docker-cid ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}
CID=$(cat ${TMP_BIN_DIR}/docker-cid)
trap "docker rm ${CID}" EXITdocker cp ${CID}:/opt/ ${TMP_BIN_DIR}/
docker cp ${CID}:/opt/ ${TMP_BIN_DIR}/

Now we have to create the outer CDK code to create the lambda with layers. We need the CDK Lambda dependency pom.xml:


and the CDK code src/main/java/com/myorg/

This is our third, outermost “matryoshka” layer. Here we are creating the Lambda policies (CloudFormation execution and S3 full access), layers (NodeJS, AWS CDK binaries), and the actual Lambda resource with the com.myorg.CdkWrapper handler and the code from run-cdk-lambda.jar.

We will also change the cdk.json file to run the prepare-bin script before the CDK execution cdk.json:

"app": "./scripts/prepare-bin && mvn -e -q compile exec:java",
"context": {
"@aws-cdk/core:enableStackNameDuplicates": "true",
"aws-cdk:enableDiffNoFail": "true",
"@aws-cdk/core:stackRelativeExports": "true"


You have to set your AWS credentials first. You can do this in the ~/.aws/credentials file or using environment variables. Then, you have to bootstrap the CDK:

cdk bootstrap

Now you can create the Lambda function:

cdk deploy --require-approval never


Check your S3 buckets using:

aws s3 ls

This should not return any bucket with the “runcdklambdastack-createdbycdkfromlambda” prefix.

Run the Lambda function:

aws lambda invoke --function-name run-cdk tmp/lambda-out

It will run the AWS CDK and create the bucket. The first run can take about 1 minute to complete. Check again your S3 buckets then:

aws s3 ls

It should return a bucket created by CDK run inside a Lambda function (with the “runcdklambdastack-createdbycdkfromlambda” prefix).


Running AWS CDK inside a Lambda function is not an easy task. However, sometimes it is useful and I hope that this article will help you to do it, or maybe will only show you how to use lambda Layers to execute almost any executable binary inside an AWS Lamda. We do use it in DevOpsBox to create appropriate IAM roles and policies based on the roles read from Keycloak.

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Maciej Raszplewicz
Maciej Raszplewicz

Written by Maciej Raszplewicz

Software developer & CTO & Co-founder at DevOpsBox

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